CSFS Event #1: Enhancing Cybersecurity Skills and Capabilities for Society

This was the first of a series of half-day events prepared in the intention to indicate the response of the Greek society to cybersecurity issues in a dynamically evolving global risk landscape and what the next steps for all actors of the ecosystem should be, in order to create a safe and secure environment allowing all to leverage the socio-economic benefits offered by digital technologies.



The event provided an opportunity to:

  • Bring the cybersecurity-skills community together, facilitating the exchange of experiences challenges and good practices.
  • Raise awareness on the need to promote multi-stakeholder cooperation on cybersecurity skills.
  • Share examples of implementation and adoption of the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework by ENISA. 
  • Share knowledge and training for increasing the pool of experts in the workforce.
  • Coordinate an approach across Governments, Industry and Academia.
  • Identify synergies for the development of cybersecurity skills.    





Welcome and Registration


9:20 – 9:30

Opening & Hellenic Cybersecurity Institute

Stella Tsitsoula

President of the BoD, HCSI

9:30 – 10:10

European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) and synergies with other european initiatives (ECSC)

Dr. Demosthenes Ikonomou

Head of Capacity Building Unit,
European Union Agency for CyberSecurity (ENISA)

10:10 –  10:40

National policy initiatives endorsing ECSF – Digital Skills Academy

Ioannis Panolias

Directorate for Cybersecurity Strategic Planning

National Cybersecurity Authority of Greece,

Ministry Of Digital Governance

Hellenic Republic

10:40 – 11:15

Panel discussion:

Initiatives for the empowerment of European Cybersecurity Skills Framework, cybesecurity month, professional certifications, national cybersecurity challenges

Dimitra Liveri

Team leader for Awareness Raising and Education, European Union Agency for CyberSecurity (ENISA)

Theodosios Dimitrakos, Professor of Computer Science, iCCS and School of Computing, University of Kent

Yiannis Iliadis,

President of the BoD, (ISC)2 Hellenic Chapter

Athanasios Grammatopoulos Cybersecurity Researcher, University of Piraeus, Team member of the Hellenic Cybersecurity Team

Argyro Chatzopoulou,
Co-founder, Apiroplus Solutions Ltd

Moderator: Kostas Papadatos, Founder & Managing Director Cyber Noesis

11:15 – 11:45

Coffee Break


11:45 – 12:10

Cybersecurity in higher education

Prof. Ch. Xenakis

Digital Systems Dept, University of Piraeus

12:10 – 12:30

Cybersecurity skills initiatives from the industry

Jeremy Thompson

Executive Vice President and Cyber Security Officer, Huawei Europe

12:30 – 12:45

Cybersecurity skills initiatives from the industry

Vasilis Maritsas, Partner, Cybersecurity Consulting Services, EY

12:45 – 13:00

Cybersecurity skills initiatives from the industry

Michael Haggar, Senior Technical Specialist, Microsoft Hellas

13:00 – 13:40

Panel discussion:

Women: A critical factor for successful

cybersecurity teams

Valina Panteli

President, Women4Cyber Greece

Aggeliki Delga

Senior Manager, Consulting Services Cybersecurity and Privacy, EY 

Evgenia Tsaprali

Head of Business Continuity Directorate at National Cyber Security Authority of Greece, Ministry of Digital Governance

Moderator: Maria Akrivou, Senior Editor, Fortune Greece

13:40 – 13:55

Closing remarks


14:00 –  15:00

Lunch & Networking


Under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Government



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